Intro of litemall and Lanuch



Litemall was developed by liutaojava 3 years ago. It is a project built on vue, java, springboot and mysql. Recently, I have some interest in Java development, so I decide to delve into it. I have forked the repo with some modification.

As the architecture shows that, from technology, it consists of frontend, backend and db. From business, it have mall and admin systems. We will introduce how to launch admin system below. arch of litemall


First of all, we need to install mysqldb and initial db using the provided sql files


Firstly, jdk-11 and maven are required to install. Then use mvn clean package, maven will download the dependencies of litemall. A file named as itemall-admin-api-0.1.0-exec.jar will appear the target fold. Before launching, configure the IP and port of db for Backend. At last, use java -jar itemall-admin-api-0.1.0-exec.jar to launch the server.


nvm(Node Version Management) is a useful tool to intall node.js. v14.0.0 is a validated version for litemall-admin. Use nvm install v14.0.0, and the corresponding version of npm will installed too. Then, use npm i to install the dependencies. Before launching, configure the backend url for Frontend Finally, npm run dev.

After all the opeartion above, Open your browser and enter the url of Frontend, you will see the login and dashboard page,

login page

dashboard page